
How running in colder weather can cause health issues

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The robot clicked disapprovingly, gurgled briefly inside its cubical interior and extruded a pony glass of brownish liquid. “Sir, you will undoubtedly end up in a drunkard’s grave, dead of hepatic cirrhosis,” it informed me virtuously as it returned my ID card. I glared as I pushed the glass across the table.

All he could think about was how it would all end. There was still a bit of uncertainty in the equation, but the basics were there for anyone to see. No matter how much he tried to see the positive, it wasn’t anywhere to be seen. The end was coming and it wasn’t going to be pretty.

There had to be a better way. That’s all Nancy could think as she sat at her desk staring at her computer screen. She’d already spent five years of her life in this little cubicle staring at her computer doing “work” that didn’t seem to matter to anyone including her own boss. There had to be more to her life than this and there had to be a better way to make a living. That’s what she was thinking when the earthquake struck.

She reached her goal, exhausted. Even more chilling to her was that the euphoria that she thought she’d feel upon reaching it wasn’t there. Something wasn’t right. Was this the only feeling she’d have for over five years of hard work?

One foot in front of the other, One more step, and then one more. Jack’s only thoughts were to keep moving no matter how much his body screamed to stop and rest. He’s lost almost all his energy and his entire body ached beyond belief, but he forced himself to take another step. Then another. And then one more.

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